[aprssig] winlink

Chris Rose kb8uih at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 5 23:26:15 EST 2005

If the TNC in the Kenwoods is similar or exact to the
Alinco TNC, then it will work for packet just fine. 
Control it with a terminal program externally with a
laptop or some other computer you have.  The TNCs
won't act as a BBS unless the software you use can
emulate those functions (that I am aware of).  I use
an Alinco 135 with built in TNC for keyboard to
keyboard packet with no problems.  


< C U T > 
> So far it's generally been concluded that a D7 or
> D700 isn't
> Likely to work well with Telpac, the VHF/UHF access
> node
> For Winlink.  But there *is* some info indicating
> that these radios
> In fact can be used, although they won't be as easy
> or provide
> As much functionality as a true radio/TNC combo, or
> sound card
> Packet solution.  But as Bob and others say, use
> what you've got,
> Right?
> Right....run what you brung....just be aware the
> fellow on the other end of 
> the email that is
> sending to you will likely not know what you brung!
> ;)
> In Bob's use of the system, everything still works
> and is basic BBS opts. 
> We've already swapped some
> emails on the system.
> Wait till he tries AirMail and it's automation. 
> He'll be tickeled pink 
> happy!  He sounded like a kid in a candy
> store today on the phone!
> 73  Jim OFT

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