[Possible Spam]Re: [aprssig] winlink

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sat Jan 1 12:19:33 EST 2005

>>> spider at rivcom.net 12/31/04 2:18 PM >>>
> Regarding WinLINK local Objects on APRS:
> Now, if you are talking D7's and D700's I can not do anything 
>about that and are terrible for use as a mobile terminal, IMHO

Wow, please stop thinking of APRS as an all-knowing-all-seeing
internet system.

The purpose of APRS on RF (and the objects there) are to
serve the mobile user....to let him see what is around him
of immediatel local use.  Seeing that a WinLINK node is
local and in range and on what frequency is invaluable to 
the mobile APRS user (and 85% of all mobiles that receive
and view APRS data use the D7 and D700 as their only
view while mobile.)

>even tho many use them for APRS, they are totally not 
>effective for robust messaging.

Such a mobile never intends to do "robust-messaging."
What he might want to do is pull-over, fireup his laptop
and send an Emaili message (longer than the 1 line
APRS type).  This can be done easily and effectively
wtih the D7 or D700 to a TELPAC node in ASCII mode.

>Most people that use this will have computers hooked to 
>there TNC's because  you really need this to handle 
>EMCOMM effectively.  

True, in a real world emergency.  But those are SO RARE
that the only way to have people familiar with the system
and trained is to have them use it occassionally under the
non-EMCOM conditions.  That is when to train.  And doing
an occassional  Email from the mobile D7 or D700 which
is the 85% majority of all APRS mobile users (who receive
and view data while mobile) should be encouraged.

>ALL the snowbirds I have met that actually use WL2K have 
>laptops or computers hooked to there TNC's.  This holds 
>true for the ships at sea as well.

But this represents less than what, 2% of APRS users?
Why not work to make sure the system is understood by 
the other 98% of casual users so that they are ready when
the EMCOM unfolds..

This is neat stuff!

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