[aprssig] Delayed Position Reports in Mobile situation

Wes Johnston aprs at kd4rdb.com
Mon Aug 22 16:11:20 EDT 2005

We had a discussion about this on the sig about 2 months ago.  Nothing
came of it b/c the aprs-is people think there's nothing wrong with the
IS, that it must be the IGATE station's ISP holding the packet.  We had
one station in our area who was running UI-view and would deliver
packets anywhere from 60secs to 10 minutes late.  The guy was connected
to montana.aprs.net via AOL via Bellsouth DSL lines.  The solution for
us was that the guy moved to atlanta, out of our area.  I sure wish we
could find this problem.  Heck, I even wrote a script to query findu for
position reports and match up the late reports and give you the time


Terry Palmer wrote:

> Based on the advice below, I have changed my TX Interval from 30 secs
> to 1 minute and problem has gone away (so far; one afternoon) and my
> path is back to    WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2   to cover urban (Tampa) and
> country (Ruskin, Bradonton and remote highways).   Hope it lasts. 
> Thanks all for advice.
> An extract of a msg from a local Digi sysop is quoted below:
>     "........But wait, here's your ]4+ posit yet again, not at 3702,
> oddly enough,
>     exactly another 179 seconds later.
>     So in the case of this one posit, it was heard 3 times with 179
> seconds
>     between each of the entries into the intenet system, of course,
> with other
>     heard posits, it'd make you bounce around like a ping pong ball.
>     Suggestions:
>     1:  Raise your beacon past 30 seconds.  Even 40, but 60 would be
> the ideal
>     timing.
>     2:  Make sure your radio's squelch is set so that it's not sitting on
>     packets for long, I've seen D700's sit on packets for 30 minutes
> if the
>     squelch is held open.
>     3:  This one is a bit tricky.  We need to figure out whos' sitting on
>     packets.  It appears that any posit heard -direct- and not via a DIGI
>     behaved itself.  That being the case, there might be an issue
> with a local
>      digipeater.
>     Without watching this real time from multiple sites I have access
> to on RF
>     as it's happening, and being able to do ping/queries to follow
> paths, it's
>     really hard to say exactly who's doing this, but there is indeed
> something
>     amiss."
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Terry Palmer <mailto:terrypalmer2 at compuserve.com>
> *To:* ui-view at yahoogroups.com <mailto:ui-view at yahoogroups.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, August 21, 2005 4:45 PM
> *Subject:* [ui-view] Delayed Position Reports in Mobile situation
> I am in the Tampa Bay area and have the following problem:
>     My mobile aprs station is picked up by a local (Seffner) I-Gate
> and placed ACCURATELY on the Internet as viewed thru UI-View.  About
> 30 seconds later, another I-Gate station (Bartow) outside the local
> area places an OUTDATED location on the Internet and UI-View makes it
> look like the Mobile has moved back to an earlier position.  This is
> very irritating to the people tracking me thru UI-View.  It looks like
> position "bouncing" around.
>     I have gone from path of WIDE2-2, to WIDE2-1, to WIDE1-1, to WIDE,
> to NO path --- all with the same results.
> Any advice, please.
> Terry
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Please see <http://www.apritch.myby.co.uk/uiv32.htm> for UI-View
> registration information.
> Precision Mapping version 7 now works with UI-View32.
> The necessary PMapServer7 is available for download at
> <http://www.ui-view.org>.
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