[aprssig] Broadcasting?

Chris Rose kb8uih at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 3 19:55:44 EDT 2005

I would address it as calling "QST" and calling all
interested amateurs.  You do this to start a net on
the air.  Give the specifics of the situation.  There
is  ...... at...... impacting....... for the
foreseeable future.  Please make alternate travel
plans if this is on your current route.  

Call for all intersted hams to call you back and start
an informal rag chew and start a net.  

OR, Call a specific amateur operator or two or three
and make a conversation and then mention the situation
for interested parties in the area.

Dont' talk for five minutes and time out the repeater
though or that is defiinitely broadcasting.

What about announcements on a voice repeater that alot
of pepole use for their hamfests or weekly nets and or
monthly club meetings?  Is this is a broadcast too?

Large can of worms here.


--- Paul Kronenwetter <n2kiq at arrl.net> wrote:

> Curt, WE7U wrote:
> >So what about when someone comes up on the 2-meter
> repeater during
> >rush hour and does a 1-way transmission telling
> everyone that the
> >I5/I405 intersection is messed up with an accident?
>  That's not of
> >specific ham interest, but I sure as heck would
> want to know if it
> >was along my route that day.  Is this another one
> of those cases
> >where you want to slip it into the QSO with someone
> else so that you
> >fit into the rule structure and avoid that
> "broadcast" tag?  Seems
> >silly to have to do so.
> >  
> >
> I agree it's silly but I often do this for my
> Skywarn manager who comes 
> up on our local repeater announcing that TD#8 has
> been designated in the 
> Atlantic basin.  That's something that I could find
> out via other 
> sources and doesn't immediately impact me or anyone
> else who can hear 
> the repeater...

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