[TangerineSDR] Requesting Grape Data for the Tonga Volcano Event

Mike Schaffer daetsort at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 21 19:16:57 EST 2022


In reference to seeking more information on the state of the atmosphere during the Hunga-Tonga Ha-apai volcanic eruption.
Even if it is non 10 MHz WWV Grape-1 receiver data plots.
On Saturday, January 15, from 1346 to 1426 UTC, started hearing multiple central Mediterranean Sea stations, Italy, Greece, with others along the Adriatic Sea on SSB on 11 meters. 
Signal strengths deviated from fairly good to moderately strong with moderate QSB. Average distances reached up to 4X sporadic-e ranges at 4,750 miles. 
This was the time frame when the Global D-Region Absorption Predictions (D-RAP) maximum absorption attenuationreached up to 16 MHz. 
For the rest of the day Es conditions were dampened with higher amounts of skywave background noise.

The distance from my QTH to the volcano is 7652 miles [12314 km] at 259 degrees azimuth. 
If you compare the WWV 10 MHz Doppler Shift Plot chart from January 15th from FN21ei you will notice that the information above was observed at the nine hour period post eruption, near the middle of the mean reflection points in the ionosphere as shown on the plot. 
Regards,Mike SchafferKA3JAW
    On Friday, January 21, 2022, 02:04:17 PM EST, Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. via TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org> wrote:  
  Requesting data<!--#yiv8683688804 _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv8683688804 #yiv8683688804 p.yiv8683688804MsoNormal, #yiv8683688804 li.yiv8683688804MsoNormal, #yiv8683688804 div.yiv8683688804MsoNormal {margin:0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;}#yiv8683688804 a:link, #yiv8683688804 span.yiv8683688804MsoHyperlink {color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv8683688804 pre {margin:0in;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New";}#yiv8683688804 span.yiv8683688804HTMLPreformattedChar {font-family:Consolas;}#yiv8683688804 span.yiv8683688804EmailStyle21 {font-family:"Calibri", sans-serif;color:windowtext;}#yiv8683688804 .yiv8683688804MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt;} _filtered {}#yiv8683688804 div.yiv8683688804WordSection1 {}-->
Hi HamSCI,
Please see this e-mail from Jim K4BSE below and send him data if you can.
Thanks and 73,
Nathaniel W2NAF
From: Jim Farmer <jofarmer at mindspring.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 4:01 PM
To: Tangerine <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Subject: Requesting data
On 15 January 2022 those monitoring propagation from standard time stations such as WWV noticed some strange ionospheric phenomena as evidence in the attached plots of 10 MHz WWV signals measured at different locations in the US.  See the attached.  Each long page shows the results measured at four locations using grape1 receivers.  The first page is for Saturday January 14 and the second page for Sunday January 15.  These two pages show the data for four monitoring stations - one was relatively close to WWV.  The red line equals the relative signal strength (right scale) and the black line the frequency deviation (from 10 MHz).  This frequency deviation is caused by Doppler shift due to the up-and-down motion of the ionosphere (more specifically, the mean reflection point in the ionosphere).  The green lines are inserted every 5 hours to make comparison easier.  Until about 2200 hours on January 14, the plots are pretty much as we normally see.  But at about 2200 hours on the 14th, we start seeing some wild perturbations, which continue into the 15th.  What caused them? Well, right now we aren't sure.  One thought is that some may have been caused by electromagnetic events due to the Tonga volcano - such events are known to have occurred, but their effect is uncertain right now.  The red vertical line on the second page indicates the time of the volcano's eruption.
We seek more information regarding the state of the ionosphere during this time.  If you have grape1 data from these dates, please send the .png and .csv files for these dates produced by the grape1 software, tojofarmer at mindspring.com.  (So long as you put "grape1 data" in the subject line, don't worry if you get a notification that you got caught in my spam filter - I'll see your email and clear it to my inbox.)  All data is appreciated, even if it is not of 10 MHz WWV.
The following is from my friend W8GNM.  Thanks Geoff.
    Interesting article about the recent explosive eruption of the undersea volcano with photos captured by weather satellites.  This is how volcanic islands are formed.
    If you can’t view the entire article, check out the twitter links below.
    73, Geoff

 --  Jim Farmer, K4BSE Mobile 678-640-0860 jofarmer at mindspring.com (spam blocked) Useless, good-for-nothing retired engineer Member, Fayette County Amateur Radio Club, http://www.kk4gq.org Volunteer electrical engineer, Smoke Rise Baptist Church http://www.smokerisebaptist.org     Love all, † Follow One    "A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both."         Dwight D. Eisenhower, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1953 -- 
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