[TangerineSDR] Magnetometer board

David Waugh dwaugh at kent.edu
Fri Jun 18 14:35:29 EDT 2021

I wanted to reintroduce myself to the group. I finished building the Grape ver. 1, but am waiting for the GPS oscillator to arrive so I can test it. I am also very interested in the magnetometer.At last week’s TangerineSDR zoom meeting I asked about availability of the magnetometer board and It sounds like there are not many of the boards still around, but a few people mentioned they might have some spares. If there is a board to spare, I would be more than willing to pay for the board, shipping etc. I live in a suburban neighborhood, and I assume there will be local influence from large trucks passing etc., but I would guess that some of those things can be filtered out and that some useful data can be produced. I did ordered the magnetometer module (RM3100) before realizing there was a shortage of boards (I guess I was too excited).Thanks, David KE8QEP

David A. Waugh, Ph.D.
Research Assistant
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
4209 State Route 44
Rootstown, OH 44272

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