[TangerineSDR] HamSCI Telecon Today

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Sat Oct 17 11:12:34 EDT 2020

Hi all,

Here is the recording of this past Thursday’s telecon:

73 de Nathaniel W2NAF

From: hamsci at googlegroups.com <hamsci at googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D.
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2020 9:00 AM
To: hamsci at googlegroups.com; TAPR TangerineSDR Modular Software Defined Radio <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Subject: [HamSCI] HamSCI Telecon Today

Hi HamSCI,

Today  is our bi-weekly HamSCI Zoom telecon at 1900z / 3 PM Eastern.

Today, Jay WB8SBI will be presenting a short video on the history of OSCAR 5. He writes:
“At the 2019 AMSAT Space Symposium in Arlington VA there were 3 of the surviving hams who designed, built, and got OSCAR 5 into orbit in the late 1960s.  This was an entirely Australian project, and there was a recently (2019) produced professional video done about it.  It included interviews with all three of our fraternal brothers and their wives. It is 14 minutes long, and their story is heartwarming.”

Afterward, we’ll have open discussion.

Here is the link: https://scranton.zoom.us/j/286316405?pwd=QWdwMlFPbDlYeXg5ZDg1dmYzeFdCUT09
If you are asked for a password, it is “hamsci”.

Thanks and 73 de Nathaniel W2NAF

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Ph.D., W2NAF
HamSCI Lead
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
University of Scranton
(973) 787-4506

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