[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 11-02-2020
Nathaniel Frissell
nafrissell at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 10:32:49 EST 2020
Thank you, Tom.
As always, here is the recording: https://scranton.zoom.us/rec/share/_1ZZbMl3XodudwEOhlEoe2uIDVZnWxQKLKkQSSK9A26nWi2AsbCAZYPACUPOXCx3.50q7y7jHI5gmt0YU <https://scranton.zoom.us/rec/share/_1ZZbMl3XodudwEOhlEoe2uIDVZnWxQKLKkQSSK9A26nWi2AsbCAZYPACUPOXCx3.50q7y7jHI5gmt0YU>
73 de Nathaniel
> On Nov 2, 2020, at 10:35 PM, Tom McDermott via TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org> wrote:
> Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 11-02-2020
> 1. Scotty completed the first pass capturing the Data Engine schematic. Currently checking all the details. The Intel Quartus tool does not compile the DDR3 memory interface on Windows, Intel sent him a patch but it did not fix the issue. Currently Scotty would need to compile the FPGA using the Linux version of Quartus.
> 2. Bill generated version 1.0 of the specification for the protocol between the data engine and the local host computer protocol.
> 3. Walter K5WH, and Martin VE6VH joined the call tonight, welcome!
> 4. Dave Larson showed an open-source display program that is designed to display current/near-time NOAA geographic data in topo-json (a variant of geo-json) and other similar json formats. Demo available at http://earth.nullschool.net <http://earth.nullschool.net/>
> 5. Nathaniel asked what considerations might be needed if the PSWS was operated at the same location as a strong HF transmit signal (such as a contest station or other similar). A completely automatic detection (such as overload) method would be preferable but perhaps difficult. Overload might not occur in some deleterious situations (such as excess transmit white noise). The opposite approach might be to characterize the PSWS receiver response at the actual station - frequencies, antennas, antenna separation, power levels, cable coupling, etc. Another approach might be to provide a logical interlock signal to the Data Engine signifying that the data should be ignored (i.e. from the transmitter PTT signal). We might use NaN (Not a Number floating point value) to indicate corrupted samples.
> 6. Bill discussed potential difficulties in trying to distinguish between python2 and python3 dependencies. He has had some issues with python library package maintenance (how to decide which version of the library to use).
> -- Tom, N5EG
> --
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