[TangerineSDR] Latest MagnetoPiHat schematic rev XB1 posted

Scott Cowling scotty at tonks.com
Thu Aug 20 20:17:48 EDT 2020

Hi all,

Here is the link to the latest (and hopefully final) MagnetoPiHat 
schematic. As soon as everyone has had time to review it and the CAD 
changes are made, we will build the prototypes.

Here is the URL:
> https://tangerinesdr.com/TangerineSDR_documents/MAGNETOPIHAT_SCHEMATIC_XB1.pdf

Here are the changes:

1. Moved PTC1 from CAB_5V to 5P0V. Changed part number to lower series R 
2. added C5 (100nf/10V C0402) and D2 (BAT54, SOT23) to U7 pin 2.
3. Change U1 to ULDO MIC5301-3.3YD5
4. Add R2, 10K 0402 to J5 pin 5.
5. Change C16 to 220uF/6.3V C1206. No decal change.
6. Add C19 (220uF-DNI/6.3V C1206) in parallel with C16.
7. update page 2 with new layout, build options, modes and address 
table. No PCB changes.
8. Rev goes to XB1

Scotty WA2DFI

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