[TangerineSDR] HamSCI Telecon Tomorrow - 3PM Eastern

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Wed Apr 29 11:57:53 EDT 2020

Hi, everyone!

There will be a HamSCI telecon tomorrow at 3 PM Eastern, and we have two speakers:

  1.  Steve Cerwin WA5FRF - Separating Doppler Shifts Measurements of WWV and WWVH
  2.  Bill Liles NQ6Z - D Region Tomography using VLF Measurements  (Presenting the work of Jackson McCormick)

I will not be able to attend tomorrow, so Kristina Collins KD8OXT will be hosting the meeting. Here is the meeting link:

73 de Nathaniel W2NAF
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