[TangerineSDR] Setting up DE for selected bands and sample rate

Rob Wiesler robert.wiesler at case.edu
Mon Apr 20 14:40:56 EDT 2020

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 13:26:53 -0400, John Gibbons via TangerineSDR wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 1:12 PM Engelke, Bill via TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org> wrote:
>> I appreciate the Skylar is implementing something in python for the freq
>> estimation algorithm, but I am hoping someone could volunteer to provide me
>> this algorithm in the c language so that I can integrate it into the
>> mainctl part of the TangerineSDR.  (HELP!)    … anyone?
> I am also looking for a C implementation of the algorithm as I will most
> likely be running 4 instances if it (at the same time) and the RasPi3B+
> will most likely choke on trying to do that in python.

If need be, I can help with that eventually.  However (and I have not
seen Skylar's implementation at all), most Python libraries for number
crunching are reasonably-thin wrappers around optimized C libraries.
There's a little overhead, but it's not too bad in most cases.  If you
needed a bare-metal implmentation, then yes, C might be required, but I
urge you to wait for Skylar's implementation and actually try it on your
target hardware before starting a C port.

Remember, the first rule of premature optimization is "Don't".

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