[TangerineSDR] HamSCI Workshop 2020 Dates

Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Wed Sep 4 17:47:52 EDT 2019

Hi HamSCI,

I just wanted to send a quick note out about the upcoming HamSCI 2020 Workshop. Because of my recent move and some proposals that are still outstanding, I am still in the process of selecting a venue. However, I am almost 100% certain about the dates of the meeting: March 19-22, 2020. I’m hoping to have the location chosen within a month or so.

Aside from that, we have been making fantastic progress on the Personal Space Weather Station thanks especially to the TAPR people working on the TangerineSDR and collaborating scientists. Many of us will be at the TAPR DCC Sept 19-22, 2019. All of the Saturday morning talks, and some on Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon, are about PSWS and TangerineSDR developments. I’ll be giving an update on the project Saturday morning. So, if you are coming to DCC (https://www.tapr.org/dcc.html), I look forward to seeing you there!

73 de Nathaniel W2NAF

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Ph.D., W2NAF
HamSCI Lead
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
University of Scranton
(973) 787-4506

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