[TangerineSDR] DE <---> SBC communication

Engelke, Bill bill.engelke at ua.edu
Tue Nov 12 12:10:12 EST 2019

Scotty - I am putting down some points into the detailed design for the Local Host, so I would like to confirm my understanding...

  1.  All traffic (including commands) between LH and DE will use UDP (right?)....  Therefore, the DE must acknowledge receipt of commands from the LH with an "OK"  (or whatever you want to use).
  2.  The command set between DE and SBC will support at least the following things:

LH (SBC) sends:

DE responds with:

What is your status?

I am online; my mode is set to xxx

Turn on LED 1 (or set to blinking)


Turn off LED 1


What time is it?

128-bit time stamp; if no GPSDO, return NACK

Here is what time it is:  (128 bit time stamp)


Define channel (0 through max. 15), with center frequency f and bandwidth b.


Undefine channel (0 thru 15)


Specify IP address of target server to receive firehose data (UDP)


Start data collection + mode

data packets including time stamps and 8,192 bytes of 192ksps 32-bit floating point complex samples

Stop data collection + mode


Start JT8 data collection

data packets including 4 ksps 32-bit floating point complex samples

Stop JT8 data collection


Start WSPR data collection


Stop WSPR data collection


If this is way off from reality, which it certainly could be, please advise!

-tnx es 73- Bill  AB4EJ

Center for Advanced Public Safety
Cyber Hall
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Desk: (205) 348-7244
Mobile: (205) 764-3099

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