[TangerineSDR] Local Host Functional Specification v 0.3 and TangerineSDR Requirements Document V0.3

Engelke, Bill bill.engelke at ua.edu
Tue Jun 4 10:14:32 EDT 2019

Good session last night - I hope someone was keeping notes; although I don't recall that we made any firm decisions.

Just to be clear, I am not against Discovery per se.  My concern is that we need to keep the feature set of Phase 1 down to the minimum necessary to achieve the mission, and guard against feature creep.  (Old habit of a Project Manager). Coming out with a second version with more features implemented is also handy for marketing purposes - it gives us an excuse to publish a couple articles about the new stuff, thus keeping the project in public awareness.

Certainly we can have something like Discovery available as an option you can turn on and off with the web UI in Local Host.

Also - here is an idea for your list of potential ham apps - it is something I have working in my DWatcher app.  We can have some processes available that do things like watch for certain callsigns, grids, or prefixes to show up on the air (digital modes, of course), or maybe (with clever noise analysis) to watch for a given band to open, and send an email to a given email address when detected. (I have configured this to send the email to a mail-to-text site, so I get a text message when any one of a list of D-Star users or DX stations comes on the air). Again, probably something for Phase 2+, but something that might be attractive to hams.

-73- Bill

From: TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr-bounces at lists.tapr.org> On Behalf Of Scotty Cowling via TangerineSDR
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 5:19 PM
To: TAPR TangerineSDR Modular Software Defined Radio <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Cc: Scotty Cowling <scotty at tonks.com>
Subject: Re: [TangerineSDR] Local Host Functional Specification v 0.3 and TangerineSDR Requirements Document V0.3

Hi Bill,

Thanks for the comments.

I will think a bit more on the discovery feature. Maybe you are right, the web server obviates the need for discovery. It might still be useful in small systems to allow them to somewhat self-configure. Is there a way we could include it as an implementation-optional feature of the protocol without it being a security risk? Maybe a feature we can turn off?

My section 4 does need a lot more work. I don't want to limit things to just WSPR and RBN, but to anything that can be implemented in an application running on the Local Host. I will see how I can word it. Making things appealing to more hams is always a good thing. Maybe if we can make the TangerineSDR do multiple things at once (like a multi-band RBN receiver and PSWS simultaneously) we will get more PSWS users.

Scotty WA2DFI
On 2019-06-03 14:52, Engelke, Bill wrote:
Scotty - I have reviewed the doc you posted, and a few comments...

-          I will update the Local Host Functional Spec to have section numbers.

-          Regarding the Discovery feature: recall that the Local Host will be running a web server, via which the user will exert control over the Local Host. The user will be able to enter the address of a large local client box to send data to.  Do we really wish to add the ability for the client box to grab control of the Tangerine? This whole Discovery concept seems to me a holdover from the days where the SDR was little more than an ADC.

-          You mention WSPR and RBN below (and FT8 reception could also be added) - these will make the devices more appealing to Hams. Perhaps you would like to add these to Section 4.
-Talk to you later - 73- Bill

From: TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr-bounces at lists.tapr.org><mailto:tangerinesdr-bounces at lists.tapr.org> On Behalf Of Scotty Cowling via TangerineSDR
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 1:43 PM
To: TAPR TangerineSDR Modular Software Defined Radio <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org><mailto:tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Cc: Scotty Cowling <scotty at tonks.com><mailto:scotty at tonks.com>
Subject: [TangerineSDR] Local Host Functional Specification v 0.3 and TangerineSDR Requirements Document V0.3

Hi Bill,

This looks excellent! I have been working on a TangerineSDR requirements document, which I have put up on the web page here:


What I call the "C&C Processor" is what you call "Local Host". I like your term better, so I will change it in my next revision.

Since the SBC can run several processes, it seems that "Command and Control", "web browser", "data analysis", "ring buffer storage", as well as optional functions "GnuRadio", "WSPR", "RBN", etc are all just applications running under the Local Host operating system. I am not sure how to make this more clear (maybe it is clear enough?)

One other thing (maybe Tom already asked for this), can you put section numbers on the document to make it easier to reference to specific parts?

You mentioned the Local Host's ability to program the FPGA on the DE. While you can always plug a USB Blaster directly onto the DE JTAG port (you will need to do this to run the SignalTap debugging software in the Quartus tools anyway), here is how it will eventually work.

The MAX10's configuration is in stored in SRAM cells within the part.  Being volatile, it the SRAM must be loaded at every power up. The MAX10 uses internal flash memory to store two configuration images. On power up, the MAX10 automatically loads the main image into SRAM and releases its internal reset, running the default configuration. If this flash image gets corrupted, the MAX10 will automatically load the secondary image and attempt to run that.

So the idea is to use the main image as the "upgrade-able" image, while the secondary image is the "factory" image that is never modified. Both images contain a boot loader that implements flash erase and write of the main image (but not the secondary one) via the Ethernet port. Note that the MAX10 runs out of SRAM. Any changes to the flash image only take effect at the next reset cycle (power up or programmable reset).

So the Local Host will run an "update" application that will talk to the MAX10's boot loader code. If the main flash image gets corrupted (e.g., power fail during update), the secondary image will automatically provide the boot loader function. I like the Elecraft model of being able to read the current DE firmware version and hardware configuration and then go out to the "TangerineSDR Repository" and offer the user clickable firmware versions that match his hardware. Firmware versions from local storage can also be included for those intrepid souls who want to write their own FPGA code (or for us developers writing/updating existing code). It can all be GUI-driven (maybe all from a web browser?) so it will be easy.

My hope is that it will be so easy that users can switch between applications like PSWS, RBN, WSPR at any time. It is *software* defined, after all! :-)  I may be expecting too much, however, since external connections will likely change for each application, and they are *not* software defined.

Scotty WA2DFI
On 2019-05-24 12:39, Engelke, Bill wrote:
Scotty - Please see attached, updated to include some of the things discussed at Dayton.  Next I will work on the Functional Specifications for the Central Control & Database system.

If anyone would like me to start posting to the TAPR github or somewhere, please just text credentials to my mobile number, below.  I can assure everyone that I will not make a mess of it, having done this before.

W. D. Engelke (Bill), Asst. Research Engr.
Center for Advanced Public Safety
Cyber Hall
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Desk: (205) 348-7244
Mobile: (205) 764-3099

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