[TangerineSDR] Question about antennas for the PSWS

Mike Naruta AA8K aa8k at comcast.net
Thu Jul 11 22:08:44 EDT 2019

I am a neophyte and curious about using the DX Engineering 
DXE-ARAV4-2P.  The whips will mount horizontally, with two 
additional whips forming the other halves of the crossed 
dipoles.  The orthogonal dipoles with the two coaxial cables 
will allow us to compare polarization, or both circular 

It appears that the outer conductor of the coaxial cable is 
connected to the metal enclosure.  This normally clamps to a 
mast or ground rod, but in our use, it will connect to the 
second whip of each dipole.

But if the metal enclosure is bonded to the supporting mast, 
doesn’t it connect the two orthogonal whips together, changing 
the polarization?  If we do not bond the metal enclosures to the 
mast, do we still have the effective whip connection through the 
coaxial cables?

Mike - AA8K

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