[TangerineSDR] Notes from TangerineSDR / PSWS call of 12-30-2019

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 22:19:58 EST 2019

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 12-30-2019

1. Revisited the security discussion. Right now the multiport Ethernet
controller on the Data engine may not be useful in the PSWS application due
to the risk of exposing it to the Internet. Instead a multiport SBC (for
example multiple Ethernets, or 1 Ethernet + 1 WiFi) and the stock Linux
security solutions appear to be a simpler and more complete approach.  The
multi-port implementation can be left on the DE (because the cost is low)
and because it may have applications outside PSWS.

2. Discussion of NVIDIA engines - while this is not germane to the PSWS
phase 1 application, it may be useful in a future phase.

3. RXM-5001D Receiver module power consumption estimates:
     +12V  :  10 mA typ.
     +5V   : 160 mA min. to 330 mA max. (depends on # relays selected).
     +3.3V : 100 mA max.
     +1.8V :  65 mA max.
Note: The +5V current max. was described incorrectly during the Teamspeak

-- Tom, N5EG
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