[TangerineSDR] HamSCI Postdoctoral Research Position in Aeronomy - Ionospheric Remote Sensing

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell Ph.D. nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
Fri Dec 6 11:16:08 EST 2019

Dear HamSCI and TAPR Communities,

I am happy to announce that I am looking to hire a post-doctoral research associate for the NSF Personal Space Weather Station project. Please see the advertisement below.

73 de Nathaniel W2NAF

The University of Scranton Department of Physics and Engineering seeks a post-doctoral research associate starting in Spring/Summer 2020 in support of a recently awarded NSF-supported Distributed Array of Small Instruments (DASI) grant to develop a prototype Personal Space Weather Station. The successful post-doctoral researcher will conduct software development, and subsequent scientific studies, for a multi-site geographically distributed high frequency (HF; 3 – 30 MHz) software defined radio (SDR) network using signals of opportunity.  Primary responsibilities will involve the development and implementation of an ionospheric sounding algorithm using the HF observation network for the purpose of studying geospace phenomena: traveling ionospheric disturbances, ionospheric responses to solar flares, geomagnetic storms and substorms, and other space weather effects. The ideal candidate will have expertise in ionospheric remote sensing, geospace physics including the ionosphere and thermosphere, and digital signal processing algorithm development and implementation.

The post-doctoral research associate will also author scientific and/or technical journal publications on research results, and will assist in advising and leading a team of University of Scranton undergraduate students working on this project. This is a highly collaborative project that offers regular travel to professional meetings and numerous opportunities for professional networking and growth. Collaborators include researchers at Case Western Reserve University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University of Alabama, MIT Haystack Observatory, and the amateur radio community through the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation/HamSCI initiative.

Interested applicants should apply a https://universityofscrantonjobs.com/postings/4550, and will be asked to submit a cover letter describing research interests and experience, a CV, and the contact information for two references. For additional information, please contact Nathaniel Frissell (nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu<mailto:nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu>). Application review begins February 1, 2020 and will continue until the position is filled.

Best regards,

Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, Ph.D., W2NAF
HamSCI Lead
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
University of Scranton
(973) 787-4506

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