[TangerineSDR] Webserver for local host

Engelke, Bill bill.engelke at ua.edu
Tue Dec 3 12:51:51 EST 2019

I must say, using Flask does avoid introducing yet another language into the mix (we are already using C for communication to the DE, and GNUradio is Python based, mostly).  High throughput is not needed for the web part, as the fast stuff will be done in C (I have a first version of this already running).

A brief overview of Flask suggests that it is promising for this application… any other thoughts?  What do you think, Dave? Are there other strong candidates to consider?

-73- Bill AB4EJ

From: Markowitz, Evan <em328 at njit.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 11:25 AM
To: TAPR TangerineSDR Modular Software Defined Radio <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Cc: Engelke, Bill <bill.engelke at ua.edu>; David Witten <wittend at wwrinc.com>
Subject: Re: [TangerineSDR] Webserver for local host

Hi Bill and Dave,

Being we are using Python in other aspects of the project, why not use it for the Local Host server as well?

Flask is a very popular Python web framework that wouldn't take long for even novice Python users to get acclimated to it.

If you need higher throughput, Tornado is another great framework. It is an open source project of Facebook with a noticeable upside of asynchronous execution via asyncio for potential performance gains depending on what we're doing in the Local Host server.

There are other frameworks around but I'm willing to bet that enough people on the project have some level of Python experience and would be able to jump right in.

Just my two cents from having used Python on the web for the last few years!

Thanks and 73,

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019, 12:11 PM Engelke, Bill via TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org<mailto:tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>> wrote:
Dave – well, my testing has shown the Odroid to have the processing capability of a typical modern desktop (as opposed to a typical SBC like the Raspberry). Be that as it may, could you make a suggestion or two on what to use instead?   -73- Bill

From: TangerineSDR <tangerinesdr-bounces at lists.tapr.org<mailto:tangerinesdr-bounces at lists.tapr.org>> On Behalf Of David Witten via TangerineSDR
Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2019 10:41 AM
To: tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org<mailto:tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org>
Cc: David Witten <wittend at wwrinc.com<mailto:wittend at wwrinc.com>>
Subject: [TangerineSDR] Webserver for local host

All concerned,

I deeply oppose the use of tomcat and any form of java-based services on the local host.  I will not be writing any code to support the use of Java, JSP, or Mono on single-board computers.  Almost any other toolset will do.  These are tools rarely used in the single-board computer world.  They may be suitable for banks and corporate monoliths (or not!), but not for small systems.

Dave Witten, KD0EAG
TangerineSDR mailing list
TangerineSDR at lists.tapr.org<mailto:TangerineSDR at lists.tapr.org>
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