[nos-bbs] jnos and conspy

maiko at pcsinternet.ca maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Mon May 20 17:55:29 EDT 2024

If I resize my window to whatever size I want (I run JNOS in an xterm on 
vncsession, not on a tty, but regardless ? JNOS seems to inherit the 
size of what it is running in. So is there a way to configure your VM 
with a smaller monitor. I don't use proxmox so I don't know off top of 
my head.

The 'r' and 'c' options seem non functional in linux version. I've never
used them, so that's why I am surprised by this. I will look around 
but that's what I have observed so far.


  On 2024-05-20 16:31, maiko at pcsinternet.ca wrote:
> Hold off with that, that did not work, need to do more. Give me a bit 
> ..
> On 2024-05-20 16:28, maiko at pcsinternet.ca wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> A quick look at the code, around line 438 in main.c :
>>      #ifndef UNIX
>>             case 'r':   /* Number of rows on screen */
>>                 Numrows = atoi(j2optarg);
>>                 break;
>>             case 'c':   /* Number of columns on screen */
>>                 Numcols = atoi(j2optarg);
>>                 break;
>>       #endif /* !UNIX */
>> Quick fix ? change #ifndef UNIX to #ifdef UNIX and see what happens ?
>> UNIX is defined in the makefile, so r and c will never take.
>> Maiko
>> On 2024-05-20 15:00, Mark Herson, N2MH wrote:
>>> Hello to all on the list
>>> I have jnos [JNOS-2.0o.2-IHM$] running in a proxmox vm. It seems to 
>>> be
>>> doing nicely. However, when I access the jnos console with conspy
>>> (version 1.16 2020-08-19) the number of rows in jnos exceeds the
>>> window size in conspy. And, since jnos is running in a vm, I have no
>>> chance of attaching a monitor. Even if I could, I am 600 miles away
>>> remotely administering the machine.
>>> I start jnos with jnos -c80 -r24 but that doesn't seem to help any.
>>> I start conspy with conspy -g 80x25 7 and get back the conspy version
>>> information: conspy: version 1.16 2020-08-19. conspy never goes into 
>>> a
>>> screen so I see nothing.
>>> Are there any tricks to getting this to work right?
>>> Yes, I might be a version or two behind in jnos, so I will upgrade if
>>> necessary. The conspy version is what is standard in my version of
>>> debian 11.7.
>>> Any thoughts on the matter?
>>> Thanks and 73, Mark, N2MH
>>> MeshPhone: 973-2111
>>> MeshMail: n2mh @ n2mh-mailhub.local.mesh
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