[nos-bbs] Connecting JNOS and the linux ax.25 kernel... possible?

Ben Cranston bcranston at wideopenwest.com
Thu Dec 19 15:15:25 EST 2024

Greetings Everyone,
First time posting here, and hopefully I’m not asking ignorant questions.  After a bunch of googling and some directed searching on the tapr.org list archives I’m struggling with how to, or if it’s possible, to make this kind of connection.

My idea is to enable the IP tunnel from JNOS into the linux OS as usual.  The twist is to have the Linux kernel ax.25 interface make an AXUDP connection over that IP link back into JNOS.  My JNOS is connected to Direwolf and out to the RF world in that fashion.  I’d like to have a method for applications which are also running on the system to be able to send AX.25 traffic into JNOS for forwarding out the radio.  An example would be using pat (getpat.io) as an winlink messaging client, and to utilize the AX.25 path directly to forward from Linux over to JNOS via the AXUDP connection and have JNOS then send the traffic via RF to my next hop gateway.

Am I even thinking about this correctly?  Is it possible?  Am I missing something that is already in JNOS to accomplish this? Thanks a bunch!

73, de KE8CGS

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