[nos-bbs] Multi Mode Single Freq (30m) - update and configs

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sat Sep 16 11:19:02 EDT 2023

I should add, my linux box MASQ everything out it's ethernet port,
that's why JNOS is able to connect to the APRS internet system, or
any other internet service if need be.

On 2023-09-16 10:12 a.m., Maiko (Personal) wrote:
> A practical setup for those looking for examples perhaps ?
> Or in case I get hit by a bus or lightning or the world ends :|
> This is working very nicely ! and I am very pleased with results.
> Some updates, pictures, and diagram, if it helps to spur on new users ?
>    https://www.langelaar.net/jnos2/live
> I am very happy with the Teensy, and I can't believe I'm actually back 
> to using Multipsk as well, this is a nice combo for my home setup.
> Some configurations to match my latest setup (for APRS on 30m band).
> I have the typical DSL service, firewall / router at the house, and
> my linux box is just another client on it, no amprnet stuff in use
> for this, just using JNOS as an APRS system with gating to APRS IS.
> Don't forget you need to enable ipv4_forward on your linux box :]
>   (for these configs, my linux and windows boxes are on 192.168.100.N)
> 1) autoexec.nos   (change the callsigns please)
>     ============
> log on
> tcp maxwait 30000
> tcp retries 5
> ip address
> hostname ve4klm
> ax25 mycall ve4klm-1
> ax25 ttycall ve4klm-2
> ax25 bbscall ve4klm
> # firewall router in my home, from my DSL internet provider
> domain add
> # Create a network interface. This allows us to talk to the linux
> # box on which JNOS is running - and in turn - to the internet.
> attach tun tun0 1500 0
> ifconfig tun0 ipaddress
> ifconfig tun0 netmask
> ifconfig tun0 mtu 1500
> pause 1
> # JNOS creates the TUN device, so JNOS needs to do
> # some post configuration, by shelling out to the
> # linux command line and running 'ifconfig' command.
> shell ifconfig tun0 pointopoint mtu 1500 up
> # Start the engines
> start ax25
> start telnet
> start smtp
> route addprivate default tun0
> # NOTICE the linkaddress configs, recently decided I should
> # be doing that, and next release of APRS code will actually
> # use the linkaddress for that interface, instead of what it
> # is doing now (which is the main logon call). They really
> # should be unique call-ssid per interface. It's much clearer
> # then on APRS IS what packets are coming from where, etc ...
> # attach the teensy modem (configure it with minicom first)
> attach asy ttyACM0 - ax25 teensy 8192 512 57600
> ifconfig teensy ax25 linkaddress VE4KLM-10
> trace teensy 0x211 teensy.log 1000
> attach  multipsk multipsk 3122
> ifconfig multipsk ax25 linkaddress VE4KLM-9
> trace multipsk 0x211 multipsk.log 1000
> # You don't have to do this, but it gets you out :]
> ax25 route add APN20H teensy WIDE1-1
> ax25 route add APN20H multipsk WIDE1-1
> aprs flags -bconlyifhrd
> pause 2
> source aprs.nos
> source aprs30m.nos
> 2) aprs.nos    (change the callsigns and filter please)
>     ========
> aprs log aprs/master.log
> aprs interface teensy
> aprs logon call ve4klm
> # Winnipeg is at Lat 49d54m, Long -97d7m
> aprs logon filter r/50/-97/300
> aprs hsize 50
> aprs bc timer 30
> aprs bc ver off
> aprs bc rftimer 30
> aprs bc rfver off
> aprs contact h "http://www.langelaar.net"
> # should probably change this now ? aprs.fi ?
> aprs locator "http://map.findu.com/"
> #
> aprs email local
> #
> aprs server add rotate.aprs2.net 14580
> aprs listen on
> #
> start aprs 14501
> start aprs 45845
> # This is nice to see, raw findu data (15:55:36 / 28.12.20) :
> # remember that artic research ship ? for nostalgia sake, K4KPN no
> # longer in operation either, which is too bad, but that's life ...
> #
> #  DP0POL>APRS,WIDE1-1,qAR,K4KPN-10:!2241.54N/02037.03Ws189/014/A=000000
> #  DP0POL>APRS,WIDE1-1,qAR,VE4KLM:!2237.97N/02037.79Ws190/014/A=000000
> #
> 3) aprs30m.nos  (change position information please)
>     ===========
> aprs bc pos "4953.22NI09718.35W& 10.147.3 USB (Dial) Igate"
> aprs bc rfpos "4953.22NI09718.35W& Igate"
> Maiko / VE4KLM
>   * www.langelaar.net

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