[nos-bbs] netrom obsotimer madness !

VE2PKT ve2pkt at gmail.com
Mon May 8 14:11:15 EDT 2023

Same here at VE2PKT, it's  set to 1200 and no regular crashs,

73 de Jean

On 2023-05-08 11:54, Jerry Groeneveld wrote:
> I've been running netrom obsotimer at 2100 on my Pi 3B+ using JNOS 
> 2.0m.5gz. I do not see crashes. I've been running this parameter for 
> many years since my mentor set up my JNOS and it continues through 
> many JNOS upgrades.
> Jerry, N0MR
> On Mon, May 8, 2023 at 8:32 AM Maiko (Personal) <maiko at pcsinternet.ca> 
> wrote:
>     Is anyone else noticing regular crashes if they have their obsotimer
>     running ? I've been plagued with regular crashes for the entire last
>     half year, and I'm beyond the point of pulling out my hair, countless
>     debugs, and so on, it seems to happen because I have one netrom
>     partner
>     that is up and down like a yoyo (their internet is terrible), so you
>     see large number of nr4 callbacks disappearing, and so on .
>     So as a last resort, I am going to 'netrom obsotimer 0' and see how
>     long it stays up. This one's been extremelly tricky to nail down :(
>     Maiko / VE4KLM

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