[nos-bbs] VARA API

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sun Mar 12 21:52:45 EDT 2023

I mean HOSE to push data through ...

On 2023-03-12 8:51 p.m., Maiko (Personal) wrote:
> Hi John,
> I've attached the VARA Protocol Native TNC Commands. Not sure if
> there is an updated version lying around, you can check on the VARA
> groupio list, or just email Jose actually (email is in the PDF).
> It's quite straight forward an overly simple. You connect and
> you get a host to push stuff through, as Jose told me once.
> Feel free to look at the vara.c source file in the JNOS source for
> ideas, might not be the way others do it, but it's there if you like.
> Maiko / VE4KLM
> On 2023-03-12 8:36 p.m., John Kristian wrote:
>> Where can I find documentation of the interface between VARA FM and 
>> applications? Does VARA HF have the same interface?
>> By 'application' I mean something like VARA Terminal, VarAC, Winlink 
>> Express or Winlink RMS, .
>> It appears applications interact with a VARA modem via TCP/IP 
>> connections, but I don't know what information flows over these 
>> connections. Must an application call software in a DLL or similar?
>> Documentation similar to 
>> https://www.on7lds.net/42/sites/default/files/AGWPEAPI.HTM#_Toc500723778 (for AGWPE) would be good.
>> -- 
>> John Kristian W6JMK
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