[nos-bbs] VARA API

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sun Mar 12 21:51:34 EDT 2023

Hi John,

I've attached the VARA Protocol Native TNC Commands. Not sure if
there is an updated version lying around, you can check on the VARA
groupio list, or just email Jose actually (email is in the PDF).

It's quite straight forward an overly simple. You connect and
you get a host to push stuff through, as Jose told me once.

Feel free to look at the vara.c source file in the JNOS source for
ideas, might not be the way others do it, but it's there if you like.

Maiko / VE4KLM

On 2023-03-12 8:36 p.m., John Kristian wrote:
> Where can I find documentation of the interface between VARA FM and 
> applications? Does VARA HF have the same interface?
> By 'application' I mean something like VARA Terminal, VarAC, Winlink 
> Express or Winlink RMS, .
> It appears applications interact with a VARA modem via TCP/IP 
> connections, but I don't know what information flows over these 
> connections. Must an application call software in a DLL or similar?
> Documentation similar to 
> https://www.on7lds.net/42/sites/default/files/AGWPEAPI.HTM#_Toc500723778 
> (for AGWPE) would be good.
> -- 
> John Kristian W6JMK
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