[nos-bbs] agwpe.c (direwolf) now supports additional kiss port(s)

Maiko (Personal) maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Sun Jan 29 10:25:21 EST 2023

So both winrpr (QtSoundModem and WinRPR) and agwepe (AGW and Direwolf)
now support the use of additional 'attach kiss' entries, please let me
know if anything seems to be not right. I've tested as best I can.

   rsync -av www.langelaar.net::development  .

Look for the multiagw and winrpr subfolders.

Read the README for compile instructions.

Heading out for the day -35C windchill, track stewarding outside
oval ice for national speed skating event being held in our city,
been a while since I last did this, brutal weather, but they need
volunteers so that the kids can do their skating :)

Maiko / VE4KLM

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