[nos-bbs] Jnos and rf

Gus ve3clg at yahoo.ca
Mon May 30 08:57:46 EDT 2022

 Here in South West Ontario i run Rf on vhf  but not 100% good do to a Kernel crashing .It is been that way for years.Yes tnc it is on kiss mode.VE3CLG 

    On Sunday, May 29, 2022, 11:05:56 p.m. EDT, Jay <jjn at nuge.com> wrote:  

On Sun, 29 May 2022, VE2PKT wrote:

>        How many of you are using  Jnos and RF?
> Are you running a TNC in Kiss or any other way of connecting
> to your radios?

    Here in Michigan we have a number of Raspberry-Pi's with TNC-Pi's 
running JNOS.  These are our "Hamgate's" that act as default gateway 
routers for one or more Counties and are resposible for all traffic in 
those counties subnets (44.102.X.Y).  Those each have both an ENCAP route 
table (to reach all the AMPRnet networks wordwide) and they have one or 
more RF ports.

    Then there are still far more JNOS nodes that are home stations with RF 
ports, only.  Home and portable stations point default route toward their 
respective Hamgate.

    Hamgates and home nodes usually also run NetROM as an additional 

    SMTP Email easily flows over TCP/IP (over AX.25 or IP-over-NetROM) so 
that email is truely End-to-End delivery.  NO third-party networks or 
storage servers are necessary in such a network  :)

      --- Jay WB8TKL
          Ypsilanti, Michigan

> 73 de Jean,
> Sysop de: VE2PKT (BBS), VE2PKT-13 (URONode), VE2PKT-4 (XRPI)
>        : VE2RCN-1, VE2RGM-1, VE2RGC-1, VE2RVA-1, (The-Net)
>        : VE2PKT-9 (DXCluster), VE2PKT-10 (Winlink Gateway)
> RF:
> 147.435 Mhz (1200 Bps),
> Internet:
> Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 23 (URONode)  - VE2PKT-13
> Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 2323 (Xrpi Node) - VE2PKT-4
> Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 6300 (FBB BBS) - VE2PKT
> Telnet: ve2pkt.dyndns.org port 9000 (DXCluster) - VE2PKT-9
> E-Mail:
> packet:  ve2pkt at ve2pkt.#qbc.qc.can.noam
> ampr net: ve2pkt at ve2pkt.ampr.org
> Inet:    ve2pkt at gmail.com

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