[nos-bbs] heads up 'remote disc early' possibly corrupting area index ?

M Langelaar maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Wed May 5 16:03:29 EDT 2021

Interesting, that's not it actually .... good grief ...

14:59:03  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - mailbox file [./spool/mail/ww.txt]
14:59:03  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - MBOX (sumcall) lzhuf compress 1387/2703 = 
48 percent
14:59:03  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - FBBFWD: remote disconnected early.


On 05/05/2021 2:57 p.m., M Langelaar wrote:

> Just on a roll ... some may construe this as rambling ... sorry (as 
> they say in Canada) ...
> It would help if my 'mbox tdisc' was not set to 60 seconds, duh !!!
> Re: my early disconnect issues
> Yupppp ....
> M
> On 05/05/2021 10:07 a.m., M Langelaar wrote:
>> last one, sorry ...
>> AND I have still not been able to get the 'offset' feature to work, 
>> which is no
>> doubt not helpful as far as keeping indexes clean, since JNOS just 
>> buggers
>> up the flow whenever the 'offset' shows up - I need to get that 
>> working :(
>>     about to validate FS line [FS ---!1500+] msg cnt 5
>> I've tried, but failed several times, hard to simulate this
>> Anyways ...
>> Maiko / VE4KLM
>> On 05/05/2021 10:00 a.m., M Langelaar wrote:
>>> As silly as it may sound, I wonder if perhaps an option to limit max 
>>> messages
>>> for any particular remote systems in forward.bbs (?) is an idea ? 
>>> comments ?
>>> On 05/05/2021 9:57 a.m., M Langelaar wrote:
>>>> I'm seeing an instance of say 5 bulletins I forward but the remote 
>>>> system is
>>>> disconnecting before the 5th is done, and it would appear the (in 
>>>> this case)
>>>> area 'ww' index is corrupted, so any subsequent forwards to the 
>>>> same partner
>>>> or others forwarding that same area, result in JNOS just 
>>>> disconnecting after
>>>> the FS +_=+@ whatever ...
>>>> Example log entry :
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - MBOX (sumcall) got response FS +++++
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - MBOX (sumcall) fwd exit
>>>> Example log entry with major debugging :
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - MBOX (sumcall) got response FS +++++
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - about to validate FS line [FS +++++] 
>>>> msg cnt 5
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fsr [+] index [0]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fsr [+] index [1]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fsr [+] index [2]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fsr [+] index [3]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fsr [+] index [4]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - FS is okay, now send '+' messages
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - sline [$31941_SUMCALL] index [0]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - mailbox file [./spool/mail/ww.txt]
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fbbsendmsg: truncated ww msg 103 
>>>> would result from err 2
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - fbb send msg error, why ?
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - not connected, why ?
>>>> 09:35:21  SUMCALL @ SUMCALL - MBOX (sumcall) fwd exit
>>>> Until I repair the index at the JNOS console using 'index www', 
>>>> then the forward
>>>> behaves again. So if you have a gazillion forwarding partners, they 
>>>> will likely ALL
>>>> behave like they're stuck and just doing nothing until you repair 
>>>> the index of the
>>>> area that they are all working on.
>>>> I'm not sure why this is happening, but after putting in some big 
>>>> debug code it's
>>>> very clear what's going on here.
>>>> Just thought this might be helpful information.
>>>> Maiko / VE4KLM

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