[nos-bbs] remote trace

jj ve1jot at eastlink.ca
Tue Aug 6 05:06:54 EDT 2019

I believe I might have found a reproducible crash..at least it is on 
mine hi!

Compiled Jnos2 on linux mint 18.1...enabled remote trace in makefile

compiled just fine..same source compile without enabling remote trace 
ability runs until I reboot it, no problems..

Enabled remote trace and telnetted in on local lan to it...gave it the 
"trace agw1 113"...and it worked as expected, then I disconnected after 
about 1/2 hour...issued "trace agw1 off", then disconnected...shortly 
after that, the jnos process hung completely..had to kill -9 it...

If I don't open a trace session, jnos will continue to run fine, as soon 
as I open a trace session, it hangs shortly after...sometimes hours 
later..sometimes sooner...

Gosh I hate intermittent faults lol! ;-)

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