[nos-bbs] More errors

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed Nov 1 09:15:59 EDT 2017

Hi Ray,

I'm not ignoring this, it's just that the errors seem to be all over the
place. I just don't know why, it's hard to figure out based on the
information I've seen so far.

If I may suggest, get a standard centos or scientific linux 6 or 7 install
put together (should take minutes if you're doing this on a VM) and then
compile JNOS from scratch (use the default config.h for starters).

IF this still blows up on you, then we need to look at the configuration
files, specifically rewrite, autoexec.nos, perhaps even domain.txt


On 11/01/2017 07:37 AM, Ray Quinn wrote:
> I am getting different error messages each time I run ...

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