[nos-bbs] New here - beginner getting started questions

Ian_Wade_G3NRW g3nrw-radio at ntlworld.com
Fri Jun 2 14:21:19 EDT 2017


Welcome to the group.

As background information, you may care to skim through my book 
"NOSintro -- TCP over Packet Radio -- An Introduction to the KA9Q 
Network Operating System":


Although it has been a long time out of print, the book contains many of 
the basic ideas which are still applicable today, with plenty of simple 
diagrams showing what is going on.

A pdf file of the whole book is now available on-line, at


Good luck.

Ian, G3NRW
g3nrw at g3nrw.net

***** TS-590 Family Resources Page: http://g3nrw.net/TS-590


On 01/06/2017 23:55, devin davison wrote:
> Hello, my name is Devin. I have had my Amateur technicians licence for
> about 3 years now, call sign KM4BOE. I have had an interest in packet
> and digital modes for a while, but have not gotten much done yet. I
> Have  a few different TNC's to get started with.
> I am interested in getting a NOS variant running under DOS and UNIX.
> It may not be the most practical thing in the world, but i was trying
> out jnos on an 8088 luggable pc. Aside from not knowing how to
> configure things, it seemed to be working well enough. I also have a
> large collection of old machines that run UNIX. they already run full
> time under a dialup modem, i was looking to make them do a bit more
> and see if i could get a nos variant running full time.
> I know quite a bit about old computer hardware and such, however i
> have limited knowlege when it comes to radio. I am looking for advice
> to get me moving in the right direction. What needs to be done to get
> my hardware on the air and connected to other systems? Is there any
> database of other machines near me that i can link to?
> --Devin
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