[nos-bbs] OT: JNOS at IEEE ICC 2017, Paris

Miroslav Skoric skoric at uns.ac.rs
Sat Oct 22 06:27:10 EDT 2016

Hello all,

I plan to submit a tutorial proposal related to amateur radio
communications, hardware, software, and computer networks in education,
for IEEE International Conference on Communications, one of the flagship
events of IEEE, the world's largest technical professional organization.
The conference will be held in Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017. I wonder
if some of you (who consider yourself as skilled and experienced enough
in administering ham data infrastructure, such as Winlink CMS/RMS,
xNOS nodes or BBSs) might be interested in some public speech by
sharing some tutorial time with me (if my proposal get accepted by the
conference, of course). In fact, I would like to make a proposal with
more than one speaker, because it would be a better chance for the
proposal to be positively evaluated. So, let me know. Conference details
are here: http://icc2017.ieee-icc.org/authors/call-for-tutorials

Secondly, I am glad to inform you that my newest book chapter related to
ham radio has been published in an academic book:

Handbook of Research on Advanced Trends in Microwave and Communication
ISBN: 9781522507734; 716 pages; September 2016
Published by IGI Global, USA
Edited by: Ahmed El Oualkadi (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco)
and Jamal Zbitou (Hassan 1st University, Morocco)

My plans for years to come include making an edited book or writing a
monograph book on ham data modes in educational environments, so I look
for prospective co-authors. I would like to meet hams who are proficient
in using and writing scholarly literature (such as teachers, professors,
researchers, scientists, or so), as well as those who might be
interested in joint visits to foreign schools & universities, in order
to promote ham radio.

Best regards,

Misko YT7MPB

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