[nos-bbs] jnos v. 2.0j.7v not receiving winlink emails

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue May 10 12:41:52 EDT 2016

> A little rushed over the weekend. Today rebuilt JNOS with the ;FW line simply 
> containing  a newline: as ';FW:\n'. I was able to receive messages from the 
> CMS with this setup.

I don't understand what's going on here. The 'mbox winlinkcall NNNN' 
should be configured in autoexec.nos, and that NNNN callsign is what
is put into the ;FW place. That will only request messages for that
callsign. I had planned a future version that would let the  sysops
configure mulitple callsigns so that messages from multiple callsigns
could be downloaded in one shot, but I have not done that yet.

I don't see why one has to take out that code. It works fine for me.

> I tested again using a different callsign in the ;FW stanza, one which I know 
> had pending messages, and was unable to download messages.

I don't think it's as simple as that, there is a challenge and password
phrase methodoloy involved, anyways I haven't got to doing multiple FW
calls yet, if this is what the issue truly is here.

> So it appears that the only change required is to remove the VE4KLM 
> callsign from the ;FW: stanza.

You mean remove the callsign from the ;FW phrase. ve4klm is certainly
not hardcoded. Again that call is taken from the new 'mbox winlinkcall'


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