[nos-bbs] Starting to a new JNOS2 development

'Gustavo Ponza' g.ponza at tin.it
Sat Apr 9 06:54:45 EDT 2016

>> GUS ? help me on this please, I'm sure you would have told me
>> if the compression was not happening.

As per the subject...

Forgot to say: Maiko, since the following *commands* and related
software don't have anymore a practical sense, please strip them
out from the source code, please.

#mbox fbb 0
#mbox nob2f <callsign> # not more needed as of JNOS-2.0j.4

So, leave the default, as obtained after the above setup, to:

*3* > B2F compression for WL2K [only for jnos2.0f2 or later]

Then, time and desire to do permitting, take a look on refine
the PMS editor to write SP, SB and WL2K messages and an
improvement on AXIP tunnels... :)

very TNX in advance.


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