[nos-bbs] jnos routing question

Brian n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org
Tue May 19 20:36:21 EDT 2015


On Tue, 2015-05-19 at 20:13 -0400, Don Moore wrote:

> ​When in the pi I'm able to ping the world but when I go to jnos and
> try that I can only ping out to the pi and no further.​  I have no
> current restrictions in jnos until I can get it to communicate to the
> outside world.
Do you have ip_forward set to 1? Are your routing rules set so that your
internal JNOS loop is on the same ruleset as your amprnet routing?

> ​The routing tables have been compared with the operational pi and
> they both appear to be the same​.

Something is just off enough that you're not catching it. Double check
to insure that whatever table you use for amprnet (I use table 1, some
use table 44) your internal JNOS route is also set for.

> Any ideas as to what I should be looking for?

See above. If you need me to take a look, I can route a square peg
through a round hole.

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73 de Brian Rogers - N1URO
email: (see above)
Web: http://www.n1uro.net/
Ampr1: http://n1uro.ampr.org/
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