[nos-bbs] X-BBS-Msg-Type: E Recent Messages

Jerome Schatten romers at shaw.ca
Tue Sep 16 14:15:58 EDT 2014

Who else is having this problem -- you, me and ?

On 14-09-16 10:12 AM, Don Moore wrote:
> I'm getting mail ok in jnos but anything that comes to ve3zda is 
> putting smtp into a cycle that it cannot get out of .  It's as though 
> jnos does not know itself.  I've made many checks of the rewrite file 
> and see absolutely no errors in there.  The only way for me to get out 
> of the problem short of forcing a jnos restart is to stop smtp, kill 
> the smtp number then restart smtp.  Others are also having this 
> problem and in each of those cases we are not using the most current 
> version of jnos even though at one point we were and that has made no 
> difference.  Messages arriving to anyone else is processed just fine.
> 73, Don
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Gustavo Ponza <g.ponza at tin.it 
> <mailto:g.ponza at tin.it>> wrote:
>     Just arrived here from VE3CGH another type E!
>     One or more softwares in the R-lines below is
>     the cause of that bad formatting.
>     gus / i0ojj
>     >From vk4wit%ve3cgh at i0ojj.ampr.org
>     <mailto:vk4wit%25ve3cgh at i0ojj.ampr.org> Tue Sep 16 16:10:25 2014
>     Received: from i0ojj.ampr.org <http://i0ojj.ampr.org> by
>     i0ojj.ampr.org <http://i0ojj.ampr.org> (JNOS2.0j.6r) with SMTP
>         id AA152688 ; Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:10:25 +0200
>     Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:10:25 +0200
>     Message-Id: <5004_vk4wit at ve3cgh.bbs>
>     From: vk4wit%ve3cgh.bbs at i0ojj.ampr.org
>     <mailto:vk4wit%25ve3cgh.bbs at i0ojj.ampr.org>
>     To: qnews at vknet
>     Subject: Townsville Amateur Radio Club Weekly Digest 16092014
>     X-BBS-Msg-Type: E
>     X-JNOS-User-Port: Telnet   (ve3cgh @  -> Sending message
>     X-Forwarded-To: i0ojj
>     R:140916/1354Z @:VE2JOS.#MTL.QC.CAN.NOAM #:9505 [Montreal]
>     $:5004_VK4WIT
>     R:140916/1328Z @:VK2DOT.CC.NSW.AUS.OC [Niagara] #:34100 XSERV500f
>     R:140916/1328Z @:VK4TUB.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:25426 [Townsville Qld Oz]
>     R:140916/1327Z @:VK4WIT.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC #:5004 [Townsville Qld Oz]
>     $:5004_VK4WIT
>     From: VK4WIT at VK4WIT.#NQ.QLD.AUS.OC
>     To  : QNEWS at VKNET
>     <snip>
>     On 09/16/2014 02:27 AM, Charles Hargrove wrote:
>         Since this problem with "X-BBS-Msg-Type: E" messages became an
>         issue a few
>         weeks ago, I have been doing some research of the various FBB
>         bulletin types
>         and how JNOS deals with it.  With the help of Ted, VE3CGH, we
>         seem to have it
>         narrowed down to a simple procedure.
>         If you have "mbox fbb 3" in your autoexec.nos file, create an
>         "mbox nob2f"
>         entry for each callsign that you forward with.  The only time
>         that you would
>         not do this is if you have WL2K in your forward.bbs file.  The
>         reason is that
>         if you negotiate B2F with someone, it says that you will send
>         or receive a
>         bulletin that is compressed and encapsulated as this is the
>         normal Winlink
>         protocol.  What seems to happen is that you will receive the
>         bulletin, strip
>         off any field after the @ and then add the from data of the
>         station that sent
>         you the message.  If the original message came from
>         g4apl at gb7cip and it is
>         being forwarded to me by f8coj at f8coj, then my system strips
>         off the gb7cip
>         and changes the from address to g4apl at f8coj.bbs!  This will
>         definitely cause
>         any SR on my end to attempt to send the message to the wrong
>         BBS.  Also,
>         there are other downstream BBS stations that don't like
>         "X-BBS-Msg-Type: E".
>         Since Ted and I made the changes, the problem goes away.  I
>         have also passed
>         the word to other forwarding partners of mine, that were
>         attempting to pass
>         a bulletin with B2F enabled, to also make the changes on their
>         system.  Let's
>         see if this solves it for everyone.
>         --
>         Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
>         NYC ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.
>         NYC-ARECS/RACES Net Mon. @ 8:30PM 147.360/107.2 PL
>         http://www.nyc-arecs.org and http://www.nyc-skywarn.org
>         NY-NBEMS Net Saturdays @ 10AM&  USeast-NBEMS Net Wednesdays @ 7PM
>         on 7.036 Mhz USB/1500 hz waterfall spot; Olivia 8/500 check-ins
>         "Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through
>         the walls topped
>         by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders." -
>         Ronald Reagan
>         "The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates." - Tacitus
>         "Molann an obair an fear" - Irish Saying
>         (The work praises the man.)
>         "No matter how big and powerful government gets, and the many
>         services it
>         provides, it can never take the place of volunteers." - Ronald
>         Reagan
>         _______________________________________________
>         nos-bbs mailing list
>         nos-bbs at tapr.org <mailto:nos-bbs at tapr.org>
>         http://www.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/nos-bbs
>     _______________________________________________
>     nos-bbs mailing list
>     nos-bbs at tapr.org <mailto:nos-bbs at tapr.org>
>     http://www.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/nos-bbs
> -- 
> cheers, Don
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