[nos-bbs] JNOS panic restart about every 5 minutes

Ray Quinn w6ray at sbcglobal.net
Mon Nov 25 08:27:57 EST 2013

On 11/24/2013 10:10 PM, Wm Lewis wrote:
> Now JNOS runs, but keeps doing panic restarts about every 5 minutes 
> (Seems more during bulletin transfers)
> During compile, I did get some 'warnings' but no 'fatals'
> Was hoping you (or someone in the group) could tell me where to start 
> looking.

How are you starting JNOS? I found that if I start it from /etc/inittab, 
it would do this so I start it as a "service".
> I also can't seem to locate my info for variables used in the 
> 'startnos' file.

I sent a Word formatted copy of the manual as well as one I converted to 
PDF. It has the commands towards the top of the manual under "Starting 

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                      73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
                      Visalia, CA USA DM06ih
                         APRS - W6RAY-14

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