[nos-bbs] Xnet and forward.bbs - finally figured out a long standing issue

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Thu Nov 7 11:44:57 EST 2013

Tested and works, if you want it and you have latest JNOS 2.0j.4, then :

    rsync -av www.langelaar.net::jnosX  <directory of your JNOS source>

Correction to my script, I'm using this one now :

    # Connect to Gus Xnet node, from there connect to OBCM system

    ax25 gus i0ojj-3
    .c i0ojj-8
    +*** connected

The last one I posted was wrong, you need to look for '*** connected'
since it shows up after the 'link setup (0) ...', it works now.

> JNOS uses an fgets call that expects a NL at the end of each line

Actually I meant recvline call, but you know what I mean.

NOTE : I've been told that Xnet prompts can be configured by the sysop
        but I'm going to keep the fix in place anyways, because at the end
        of the day, one has no control over how a remote station is setup.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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