[nos-bbs] RIP configuration woes

Brian Rogers n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org
Tue Nov 5 11:58:16 EST 2013

Hello Maiko et al;

Routing for any flavor of nos, when you think that the hop before it is
the linux kernel, is easily handled there. In xNOS, simply point a
default route to tun# and let linux handle the rest... then one can use
one of the fine rip daemons created by Hessu or Marius.

On the linux side, you need a simple script to create a tunnel
interface, set your policy routing, and execute the rip daemon. I use
this (note; replace x.x.x.x with the appropriate numbers):
--- dotun.sh ---
#! /bin/bash

# dotun.sh script written by N1URO
# June, 2013

case "$1" in
        modprobe ipip
        echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
	/usr/local/sbin/ampr-ripd -t 1 -a $COMMIP -p <pass> -i tunl0 -v -s -r
        ifconfig tunl0 $AMPRIP netmask $IPMASK up
        ip tunnel change ttl 64 mode ipip tunl0
	ip route add $NOSIP dev tun0 onlink table 1 src $AMPRIP
	ip route add default via dev tunl0  src $AMPRIP onlink
table 1
        ip rule add from 44/8 pref 1 table 1
        ip rule add to 44/8 pref 1 table 1
        exit 0

        ip rule del to 44/8 pref 1 table 1
        ip rule del from 44/8 pref 1 table 1
        ifconfig tunl0 down
	killall -TERM ampr-ripd
        modprobe -r ipip
        exit 0

        dotun stop
        sleep 3
        dotun start
        exit 0
        echo "Usage: dotun {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 0

exit 0
--- EOF ---

This loads upon boot in my rc.local as: /usr/local/bin/dotun start, and
handles routing perfectly from my kernel <-> mfnos (in dosemu). It also
keeps ip management in mfnos down to a minimum.

> I've never heard of quagga, so I looked it up, and I'm sure you're not
> talking about the extinct subspecies of the plains zebra that lived in 
> South Africa, I see it's a software routing suite. Never heard about
> it before (till now) and certainly never used it before. Sorry.

Quagga is nice if you're running a nice router :)

73 de Brian Rogers - N1URO
email: <n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org>
Web: http://www.n1uro.net/
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