[nos-bbs] Help With JNOS on DOS

Chris Maness chris at chrismaness.com
Tue Feb 12 09:28:23 EST 2013

I am confused.  The translation was not really clear.

Chris KQ6UP
On Feb 12, 2013 2:14 AM, "SP1LOP" <SP1LOP.Janusz at mail.sp1lop.ampr.org>

> Użytkownik Chris Maness napisał:
>> I am trying help a friend get a very basic JNOS install going.  He is
>> running Windows XP (which I realize might be the problem).  JNOS does
>> not seem to be attaching to his TNC (in kiss mode).  The device tnc0
>> is not initiated after the attach command and we are getting all the
>> error messages to that effect.
>> Here is the contents of the autoexec.nos file:
>> #
>> # This is an autoexec.nos file for WA6TJQ
>> #
>> #domain cache size 30
>> #domain suffex ampr.org
>> #domain translate on
>> #domain verbose on
>> #domain addserver kq6up
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> ip address
>> hostname wa6tjq
>> ax25 mycall WA6TJQ-4  #This must preced "attach"
>> #
>> #
>> #
>> attach asy 0x3f8 4 ax25ui tnc0 2048 256 9600 # Attaches a TNC to COM1
>> #
>> # Set parameters for the TNC
>> #
>> param tnc0 1 20 # TX Delay (x10ms)
>> param tnc0 2 63 # Persistance (0-255)
>> param tnc0 3 10 # Slot Time (x 10ms)
>> param tnc0 4 10 # TX Tail (x 10ms)
>> param tnc0 5 0  # 0=HDX
>> param tnc0 dtr 1
>> param tnc0 rts 1
>> #
>> # Start some stuff!
>> #
>> start ftp
>> start finger
>> start remote
>> start echo
>> start ttylink
>> I run JNOS in Linux and have no problems. I also realize that he would
>> have no loopback with this file, but I just want to verify we can get
>> his JNOS talking to his TNC.
>> His TNC is set in 1200 baud mode, so we also tried changing the 9600
>> to 1200 in the attach command with no luck.
>> Thanks,
>> Chris Maness KQ6UP
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>>  Poczytaj i obadaj z TNC w JNOS konfiguracje...
> --
>                        73 de Janusz / SP1LOP
> ===== Janusz J. Przybylski, SP1LOP ==================
> Poland AMPRNet Co-ordinator [44.165/16] from Mar 2003
> Internet: SP1LOP.Janusz at mail.sp1lop.**ampr.org<SP1LOP.Janusz at mail.sp1lop.ampr.org>
> WWW     : http://www.sp1lop.ampr.org
> RBI PZK : http://www.rbi.ampr.org
> ------------------------------**------------------------
> Packiet : SP1LOP @ SR1BSZ.SZ.POL.EU
> AmprNet : sp1lop at szczecin.ampr.org
> Sysop   : SR1BSZ-5 AmprNet Gate, SR1BSZ-8 BBS
>           SR1DSZ Digi Packet Radio,
>           T2POLNW APRS Server Tier 2 Group
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