[nos-bbs] AXIP between JNOS and FBB

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed Nov 28 18:38:08 EST 2012

This note is not really specific to AXIP or AXUDP, but I just
want to make sure people are aware of this.

I just realized that the default config.h.default has B2F defined,
which I thought I had #undefined a while ago. Apparently not. The
following item *might* apply. Older FBB does not recognize B2F when
the SSID values are first exchanged, thinking it is an older FBB
protocol (which JNOS previously was doing wrong, but fixed a
while ago). So to be safe, put the following items in your
autoexec.nos as well (using the previous example) :

   mbox fbb 2
   mbox nob2f ve4wws

Technically the second entry is only required if you do NOT have
the 'mbox fbb 2' entry (JNOS will default to B2F then), so then
the second entry makes sure that B2F is not involved with that
particular station (which for this example is a FBB station).

For hiearchical routing (unrelated to original post, info anyways) :

   mbox qth "Winnipeg"
   mbox header on
   mbox haddress "VE4KLM.#WPG.MB.CAN.NOAM"

   bulletin return on

Of course you can save yourself the trouble by just #undefine B2F
in your config.h and recompile the whole thing. I should really
just make that the default for any future releases, since I got
the feeling there are not too many (if any) doing JNOS / Winlink
stuff anymore or ever did. Never got a lot of feedback on that.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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