[nos-bbs] how to reply to a bulletin ?

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed May 16 17:14:37 EDT 2012

Hey Alan,

I should have been more clear. If I see a bulletin posted
on say the 'all at ww' *group*, i may want to keep a discussion
going, so it would be nice to just do a SR of sorts back to
the 'all at ww' group instead of the user who posted it.

Like a forum, the reply goes back to the *topic* for all
to see. That's not possible (yet) in JNOS. I really would
find that useful, so I think I'm going to implement it.

It's not hard to do at all, however what to use for the
command at the bbs prompt I need to think of carefully.

I was thinking two ways. If you have read a bulletin, you
could immediately do a SB without any arguments, which could
be taken as reply to the last bulletin one read. OR I could
create a new SRB command that did it instead. Comments ?


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