[nos-bbs] Setting up for basic packet radio

Brett Friermood brett.friermood at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 16:14:33 EDT 2012

Yes, fairly sure. I started out at the default of 19200, but I read
somewhere that JNOS had problems with KISS at speeds greater than
9600. I then tried 9600, still without success. I don't recall why I
then switched it to 4800.

At both 19200 and 9600 Xastir communicates with the TNC using KISS
without problem. Yesterday I was attempting to test again using Xastir
but was unable to get it to work. Afterwards I realized I had not
switched Xastir from the previous 9600 baud setting down to 4800 which
explains my difficulty.

I realize the autoexec is minimal. That's part of what I am trying to
accomplish. At this time I don't want to configure everything
available in JNOS. I just want to do basic connected packet over the
air. Is this autoexec adequate or am I missing something important

What default KISS parameters? There are KISS parameters already set in
the TT4, so by not putting anything in the autoexec.nos file there
should not be any issues, correct?

It almost seems to me that my transmitted packets are not good.
Whether it is that my audio levels are not adjusted or the packets are
mangled in some way I don't know. But the funny thing is that I was
able to get digipeated on APRS multiple times and I am able to receive
on both networks (APRS and packet).

I am using linux.

Thanks for the replies,

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Chris Maness <chris at chrismaness.com> wrote:
>>    ax25 mycall KC9MWG
>>    attach asy ttyS0 - ax25 radio 4096 256 4800
>>    start ax25
>>    ax25 retries 3
> Are you certain that the Byonics modem communicates with KISS enabled
> software at 4800baud?  This seems like a pretty minimal autoexec.nos.
> The default KISS parameters might be causing issues as well.
> Are you running Linux or DOS.  The setup script for DOS is wrong.  It
> adds a linux attach command instead of a DOS one.
> Regards,
> Chris Maness
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