[nos-bbs] Fwd: Re: Winlink2000 email on the RPi

Bill Vodall wa7nwp at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 15:24:24 EST 2012

> I'm working on a port of the bpq32 node to the PI. This will support the
> PTC, as well as all the other BPQ32 port options. Hopefully it will be
> possible to integrate it with the linux version of RMS Express that Matthew
> mentioned.
> 73, John G8BPQ

There's been lots of fuss about the Raspberry PI and now it's even
finally resulting in BPQ32 being ported to Linux.

How about JNOS?   I've heard it compiles and runs there just fine and
it already has support for various devices and modes as rich, if not
richer, than BPQ32.   Anybody using it?

Personally I find the Pi cute but it's not that special...   The
Pogoplug devices, from Amazon, are now in the same price range ($20 to
$50) and have some better USB and Ethernet functionality.

Is anybody running JNOS on a Pogoplug?   I'm assuming that would
require a full Linux install instead of the Optware embedded
configuration due to the uContext issue - more on that in another

Bill - WA7NWP

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