[nos-bbs] JNOS2 haddress

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Wed May 18 18:03:02 EDT 2011


On Wed, 18 May 2011, Rob Curry wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm new to the group.  I'm setting up JNOS2 on a Ubuntu 10.4 system
> and ran across the 'haddress' option.  My question is that this
> address is a random address, like for a domain or an area?  I know to
> use the format of 'callsign.xxx.state.country.xxxx'.  What is the best
> way to configure the 'xxx' of the address?  Does it pertain to my
> area, or can it be really anything?  I've seen some different names in
> these fields on other JNOS systems.
> Any help will be greatly appreciated.  If this is posted elsewhere,
> please let me know and please accept my appolgies.

mbox qth "[Ypsilanti, MI]"
mbox haddress "wb8tkl.#semi.mi.usa.noam"

   I follow the format:


   --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL

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