[nos-bbs] locked smtp messages

MJ Inabnit ke6sls at arrl.net
Tue May 10 20:51:53 EDT 2011

On Tue, 10 May 2011 13:04:40 -0700 (PDT)
Russ WL7LP <wl7lp at yahoo.com> wrote:

> how do smtp messages get locked and how do you unlock them
> 73 Russ WL7LP

Been a long time Russ, but I think if jnos dies, some lock files will linger.  Usually a file with .lck or the like.  I think I set my startup file to remove any and all lock files on start-up to prevent smtp from falling over.  I'm too tired to fire up the old box and look for sure--getting old sucks man.  :|

HTH om, 73


MJ Inabnit <ke6sls at arrl.net>

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