[nos-bbs] "Repetita juvant" (latin)

Gustavo Ponza g.ponza at tin.it
Wed Jun 1 05:10:35 EDT 2011

Hi all,
just to inform you about the new IP numbers to setup on the autoexec.nos
APRS section.
73, Gustavo / I0OJJ

s jnos at ww
New APRS access IP numbers

Hi all,
for all of you that cannot get the connection to the APRS servers,
find the new IP to access the servers... just tested since a few

Ver: NOSaprs 2.0g, Uptime: 0:16:09:26, Call: I0OJJ, Interface: xnet

Server connection:
     Server            Port  Connected   Pkts In   Bytes     Pkts Out  Bytes        14580 0:10:00:50  1791      132449    82        3895       14580 0:00:15:01  10        672       4         190
*        14580 0:05:53:24  1062      78503     48        2280        14580 0:00:00:00  0         0         0         0

No APRS traffic heard so far

----==-- _ 73, gustavo i0ojj
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