[nos-bbs] Mail summaries

Jack Eifer jeifer at cwo.com
Sun Jan 9 14:12:52 EST 2011

Further to Ted's comments regarding TNOS mail summaries:

Perhaps this will clarify how TNOS handles it's MAIL SUMMARIES.

Actually, TNOS has a couple of mail summaries, either of which would make a
nice JNOS enhancement--some day. I think the following examples may be the MAIL
SUMMARIES Ted is referencing.

In TNOS all users (and sysop) can check the 'mail summaries' using the
command 'AN'. That command displays all AREAS containing messages, the total
number currently in that area, and the number of new *unread* messages. This 
information is given whenever a user/sysop types 'an' at the TNOS prompt.

Mail Summaries (example):

Available areas are:

ve3zda              9 messages -    1 new
vk4klm             10 messages -    5 new
wa7v                1 messages -    1 new
ARRL               32 messages -   30 new.
ATV                 3 messages -    3 new.
CANADA             32 messages -   32 new.
COMPUTER            2 messages -    2 new.
CQ                 18 messages -   18 new.
DEBATE              9 messages -    9 new.
DIGITAL            39 messages -   39 new.
DXNEWS              9 messages -    9 new.
EURO              310 messages -  310 new.
HUMOR              10 messages -   10 new.
LATNET             37 messages -   37 new.
LINUX              22 messages -   18 new.
MISC              212 messages -  212 new.
OTRAS               7 messages -    7 new.
PROP                2 messages -    2 new.
PUBSVC              2 messages -    2 new.
RADIO               1 message  -    1 new.
SALE                3 messages -    3 new.
SPACE              46 messages -   46 new.
TCPIP               3 messages -    3 new.
VKNET               1 message  -    1 new.
WX                 95 messages -   95 new.
YL                  7 messages -    7 new.
*** Total ***     922 messages -  903 new.

TNOS has another command that's available to sysop (or users, depending on
their permissions). The command is 'finger fwd_queue'. It displays all
forwarding partners, and the number of messages (Bulletins/Personal) in the
que waiting to be forwarded. The following is an example of a typical
'forwarding que' in TNOS:

Forwarding Queue at ve3zda.ampr.org: (example)

Queued for forwarding to vk4klm    :  Bulletins/Personal (    0/0    ) 0K
Queued for forwarding to n5vda     :  Bulletins/Personal (    0/0    ) 0K
Queued for forwarding to ve1drg    :  Bulletins/Personal (  711/0    ) 4852K
Queued for forwarding to WINLINK   :  Bulletins/Personal (    0/0    ) 0K
Total messages to forward          :  Bulletins/Personal (  711/0    ) 4852K

The JNOS command 'f mailfor' only identifies the AREA *names* (personal and
bulletin) pending forward or available to read. It does not display their 
message counts, nor the number of messages pending to be

Jack,  AA6HF

Ted Gervais wrote:
> I was wondering if there was a way to get Jnos to show what outstanding 
> mail it has to send.  What I am thinking about is that in Tnos you just 
> have to go to your F10 screen
> and enter 'fo su'  and a whole list comes up showing the various people 
> you forward mail to and what mail is in their queue waiting to go.
> Is there a way to do this in Jnos?  Or is this something we have to wait 
> for in the future. 
> -- 
> Ted Gervais

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