[nos-bbs] Compiling JNOS with TUN0 on Ubuntu 6.06

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue Feb 8 11:54:29 EST 2011

Hi Bill,

>  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/69838

That's an old one. I thought that would have been fixed by now.

I think I inadvertently missed an email from Rick Green at the time
who did some great sleuth work and ran across this little tidbit in
iface.h - something that I completely forgot about :

   #ifdef UNIX
   #ifndef send
   #warning socket.h included
   /* ugly hack to avoid both libc collisions and jnos misconnections */
   #include "socket.h"

remove ALL of the above from iface.h, then make clean, then try again,
see if that helps it any. What I really need to do is convert the JNOS
variants of sock_addr, etc to use j2 prefixes (like I did with the bind,
connect, accept, etc function calls quite some time ago).


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