[nos-bbs] bizarre - power spike, tnc kiss frame corruption, jnos crashes

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Sat Sep 11 06:22:03 EDT 2010


On Sat, 11 Sep 2010, Ian Wade G3NRW wrote:

> From: Maiko Langelaar <maiko at pcs.mb.ca>
> Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010   Time: 22:20:37
> >my kid is hanging on the ceiling tiles with white knuckles :)
> Hey, Maiko, take it easy there. We (and your kid) need you! No more 
> short circuits please. Best to stick to software :-)

   As the saying goes:  "Beware of Programmers bearing Screw Drivers!"

   I *always* carry a small screwdriver in my shirt pocket and have never
claimed to be a programmer :)

      --- Jay  WB8TKL

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