[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0h and 2.0i crashing

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sun Nov 14 22:07:41 EST 2010

Hi Robert,

1. Can you send me the log file just before and after the crash ?

2. What are the circumstances here ? Is this a browser based login
    or axip, axup, or telnet ?

3. For the GDB output, IF this happens again, can you get me some
    variable values, in other words maybe try and printout the
    'up->cb.ax25->iface->name', etc ?

> 362   if((flags=up->cb.ax25->iface->flags) & NO_AX25)
> (gdb) bt

You mention flexnet. Can you give me your autoexec.nos (off list) ?

> bridges a traditional BBS network with a Flexnet network.


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